A Changed Life and A Local Warrior
Testimony of Nol Pedrsen – Glenunga UC Another treasure of the Gospel’s power discovered in one of our congregations. You could hardly hear a more remarkable testimony than that of our tattooed, ponytailed Noel Pedrsen. He was born to a single mom in 1946 and ended up in an orphanage for his earliest years. As […]
Enduring Fruitfulness
Neil McIntosh is a retired surgeon and lay preacher who holds that the work of the latter is far more important for temporal and eternal needs than the former. Neil is also part of Hopenet executive which provides preachers and general ministry across our many formally un-pastored churches. Neil: I have been asked to tell […]
Aboriginal faith, spirituality, Jesus and Hope
What is Aboriginal spirituality and belief? If the person in the street relied on NAIDOC week promotions and most, if not all, SBS and ABC references to the subject he/she would conclude it is akin to Dreamtime, the serpent, the rainbow, many myth stories, corroboree rituals, initiations and so on. Then if the 2016 Census […]
A mothers experience of losing a small child.
Rosalie’s testimony proves the beauty, wisdom and closeness of the Lord to those who trust Him. I believe my wonderful journey to become even closer to God began when I was 22.At this age I had 2 young boys, Chad, who wasn’t quite 2 years old, and Liam only 6 months old.With children so young, […]
This Christmas, God might catch you and I unawares with life-changing wisdom.
He did that many times in the Bible.All we know about Joseph and the great advent facts is what he heard and saw in a dream. He wasn’t expecting that! Jacob got his marching orders that have impacted nations for his life’s work in a dream. Peter initiated Samaritan evangelism fulfilling Jesus’ prophecy in a […]
Is there anything the grace and mercy of the Living God cannot Do?
On the outside I appeared as a cocky and self-assured, shameless woman, but on the inside I was just hollow, with the only emotions I was able to feel being pain, sadness, and shame.
What I discovered that day, was the gospel, that sinners like me were invited into a family and given a place at the table.
Shining Jesus
In May this year 9 year old Chloe (changed name for privacy) was admitted to hospital for a fortnight’s stay for treatment and tests. It was going to be a potentially demanding time but fortunately, as is often the case these days, Chloe’s mum was able to stay in the same room for the duration […]
My Healing Testimony
My name is Nancy – still happily married to Stuart after nearly 49 years – and we are both currently working on our Merino Stud just a few kms S.E. of Crystal Brook. We have three adult children and six grandchildren. In April 1970 I was Born Again at an Easter Camp at Thuruna on the West Coast, and Baptized with the Holy Spirit 10 years later at a farm out of Gladstone.
Safe Or Saintly
Are we becoming dangerously shortsighted by binding ourselves and our kids into the stifling confinement of ‘being safe’ everywhere and all the time? Our growing obsession with safety for kids may be missing something which it is far more ‘unsafe’ for them to miss. Kids used to walk or ride bikes to school. Now […]
Country Connection 8/2/23
Wudinna and Karcultaby Area Schools Wudinna and Karcultaby Area Schools have made awards inspired by Barnabas in the Bible who initially accompanied Paul in his first missionary journey and was famous for being an encourager. The idea was put forward by the combined churches body that supports chaplains or Pastoral Support Workers and was enthusiastically […]