Ian Clarkson's Blog
Chairman, Hopenet SA Inc

Aboriginal faith, spirituality, Jesus and Hope
What is Aboriginal spirituality and belief? If the person in the street relied on NAIDOC week promotions and most, if not all, SBS and ABC

Safe Or Saintly
Are we becoming dangerously shortsighted by binding ourselves and our kids into the stifling confinement of ‘being safe’ everywhere and all the time? Our growing

Australia Day: A common spirituality
Australia Day: A common spirituality – outrageous yet obvious. The perennial Australia Day debate presents an opportunity to acknowledge and work from a living uniting

Census Reflections
So, the Census discussion lingers on. In 1921 92% said they were Christian. But then as now there is not much point in looking to

Examples: Albanese and Morrison
In a trivial election spat with the PM, Anthony Albanese, referring to his weight loss, dropped this one: “And I hope that, in public life,

To Advance Australia Fair
Since retiring from my last formal denominational role on the founding Standing Committee of Generate Presbytery, (an orthodox evangelical oversight of some 100 mainly small