Around our churches

This Mount Pleasant church, one of the smallest in our family of churches, is determined to shine the light during the virus restrictions. So they will keep their church lights on, shining through the coloured glass depictions of the Gospel from their lovely chapel. |
The Gospel and Society
During the war years Australian communities knew their need for the Living God. Ministers of the Word were prominent in rural and suburban societies, visiting, comforting, holding public services in halls and institutes, and churches were full. Many clergy volunteered as padres and some became well known for their labours, like Padre Arthur Strange who founded Helping Hand with us today. The Government of the day recognised the role of Gospel ministers to nourish social morale and hope. When TV first came in ministers would be asked to lead a devotional at the close of each days television programs. The mental health of the nation would be seen as founded on the message of the Christian churches.
We say secularism values diversity and social pluralism has caused the change. Actually it hasn’t. Loss of trust in the living God typified in rejection of the ‘ancient paths where the good way is’ is what has veered us off into the unchartered waters of earth-bound human trust.
We hear that we are in uncharted territory. We certainly are. We have forgotten to call out to the Living God. But there is a way out yet. Cry out to the Lord of heaven and earth, the Creator of our souls and Director of our destinies, who loves us greatly.
Love Adelaide
Add our thanks to ‘Love Adelaide’ campaign. Many of you petitioned the government and police commissioner against using Covid-19 Emergency laws to override state laws in regard to Telehealth abortion access. Your swift response has been rewarded!!
Resources during restrictions
Not online ? Dont worry:There are an abundance of online resources for churches small and large during this season of Jubilee Matt King ,ACC pastor of Sydney Korean church directs to Gospel Coalition. And check out our own local Generate Pres for online services and more. And Pstr Rob Bailey, one of our regional preaching visitors is doing some basic uplifting videos. You can call him on 0402266250
One of the simplest resources is being developed by Warren Mack from The Branches Church. Hard copies of Orders Of Service from opening Call to worship through to Benediction with all segments of prayers,Scripture readings, hymns/songs and message. Different leaders will be preparing these so there will be variety. The good thing is if you don’t do streaming or Zoom or any of those online things, these OOS’s will be available to help churches have a great uplifting service together. Check Warren on 0417131758.
And Beyond
Another reason for bold preaching in a secular culture. Common sense does not exist apart from Divine revelation and human equality is not self-evident in any way apart from the teaching of the Bible. View Mangalwadi explaining this simple truth.
Atonement in the Sermon on the Mount. Kent and Ruth Hodge teach from their current experiences in Huhari, Nigeria often dealing with violence and troubles from Boko Haram teach the way of Christs atonement in daily life. And is the coronavirus an ordained necessary jubilee? The Hodges are from Deniliquin Uniting ACC and spoke at one of HopeNets Conferences.
Leading your church in corona-crisis-calm leadership.
Story or History? A brilliant analysis (I believe) of Star Wars again by Vishal Mangalwadi on contemporary thinking that shapes unalerted minds, and a warning to preachers who may have unthinkingly used phrases like ‘Resurrection story’ in an Easter sermon. The resurrection of Skywalker.
A hymn that fortifies the heart from Joseph Parker on the sovereignty of the living God who holds you in His care and gracious purposes
Condolences. For those receiving this who are family related to those two women who were killed in that horrific smash on the Cross-roads and Fullarton Rd section we offer our sincere sympathies and love to you.
Rejection Transformed

Testimony to rejection overcome by Christ’s abundance : Maureen and Cyril
What I love about moving around ministering in our churches is discovering the testimony gems in people like these two.This is Maureen and Cyril long-time members of Crystal Brook church, and married with Cyril for many years. When Maureen first learned of a cancer she asked the Lord if she could have more years to smile and spread joy and goodness into the neighborhood. That was 7 years ago and she is sure doing that. First thing she says on my arrival, “I’ve come to hear you preach this morning I remember last time.” What preacher doesn’t feel the spiritual adrenalin rising with hearers like that!
But there is more to Maureen.
As a young women she was often put down by a poor mum who wanted to keep her home and so never taught her cooking or sowing and told her no young man would want her she was too ugly. Well, beautiful Maureen was snapped up by Cyril . And Maureen testifies how the Lord showed her she could live and live as a beautiful person. Even the sadness of a mum who with her own problems tried to enslave Maureen at home was broken by the wisdom the Holy Spirit graced her with reforming, transforming rejection into abundance and beauty. It may take time, but it gets better all the time!
(Anybody concerned about this brief story, please call out to Jesus for help and call your pastor, priest or minister for Gospel support.)