Whatever we think
about climate change, the promise remains certain – Genesis 8.22
The season for planting is
coming and a new harvest too.
Kangaroo Island fires; the razing and the raising.
Called Asst pastor Des Pratt, Stokes Bay but he was in a fire truck trying to save his son’s house. ‘its(the fire) all around us.’ he said. And today is forecast 38 deg with up to 29 k’s easterlies, for the region around Parndana.

The pic is of Pstr Louise Davis’ family home which her sons tried to save until the heat was too ferocious forcing their retreat. Louise and Des are grateful for people knowing something of what is required to meet the challenge of recovery.
The Stokes Bay meeting hall for church was burnt to the ground. It contained renovations the church and the wider community had recently put in place. Members Paul and Carol Houston lost their home to ash. As did the Stanton Family at Parndana. And others.
Of course massive stock losses, sheep and scores of kilometres of fencing plus sheds and equipment. Recovery right now means the horrible job of destroying maimed stock and native animals. KI known for its bee quarantine will have suffered huge losses and the prime flora the remainder need all gone.
Deidre Morrison whose Acacia apartments were our favourite retreat venue has had all their summer customers cancel. Deidre explained that water had to be trucked in from the mainland jut to drink, the local is toxic with ash and other contaminants. As far she knows 60 homes are gone, 200 homes without electricity, many phone communication towers out. There will be insurance problems for some.
What can we do to help?
• Donations to the: Mayoral Bushfire Fund …
BSB: 105094
Acc No: 035680540
International deposit Swift code SGBLAU25. This is the preferred specific KI fund.
• Join with the people who as Deidre says ‘can only pray and wait’.
• Then after the media forgets and moves on, all the hard yakka of rebuilding, fencing and all the rest. Maybe some would like to come down to KI and put in some days helping our folk when the time is right.
Hope: From what the fires have razed of that which doesn’t last, people can see labours of love and mutual support raising a quality of community and hope even stronger and more beautiful
From one area of hope in devastation to another.

Wednesday of this week was designated a day of mourning for the 220,000 babies that we know of who have lost their lives through clinical abortion.
Flowers were placed on the steps of parliament house and some prayed silently in vigil during the day. One of our churches placed flowers along with many others in solemn acknowledgment of a practice though conducted in sanitised hospitals cruels the vulnerable and sears the conscience of a people.
Hope: On Feb 8th a great action of hope is planned to Let Light Shine in Darkness. Walking from Victoria Square to Parliament House 9.30-11.30 am (see attachment)
Pastors and leaders across our churches please lead your people to understand the profound human trouble in this matter coming before our parliament with all the fear and desperation needing right action and compassion. Urge folk to join in this planned public act for the protection specifically of women and the utterly vulnerable children.
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Chris Tomlin – “Our God is greater, our God is stronger … out of the ashes we rise.”