Aboriginal faith, spirituality, Jesus and Hope

What is Aboriginal spirituality and belief? If the person in the street relied on NAIDOC week promotions and most, if not all, SBS and ABC references to the subject he/she would conclude it is akin to Dreamtime, the serpent, the rainbow, many myth stories, corroboree rituals, initiations and so on. Then if the 2016 Census […]

Safe Or Saintly

Are we becoming dangerously shortsighted  by binding ourselves and our kids into the stifling confinement of ‘being safe’ everywhere and all the time? Our growing obsession with  safety for kids  may be missing  something which it is far more ‘unsafe’ for them to miss.   Kids used to walk or ride bikes to school. Now […]

Australia Day: A common spirituality

Australia Day: A common spirituality – outrageous yet obvious. The perennial Australia Day debate presents an opportunity to acknowledge and work from a living uniting force that has been and is a blessing to all cultures resident on this vast land. And for new cultures and religions desiring to reside here. The opportunity: A common […]

Census Reflections

So, the Census discussion lingers on.  In 1921  92% said they were Christian. But then as now there is not much point in looking to such figures to evaluate what is really going on so far as church is concerned. Today Christians are at 43.9%. That’s a substantial demographic at any time, whatever group of […]

Examples: Albanese and Morrison

In a trivial election spat with the PM, Anthony Albanese, referring to his weight loss, dropped this one: “And I hope that, in public life, one of the things that we seek to do, as well, is to provide good examples to people.” Absolutely agree AA! Providing good examples to the Australian people. So overcoming […]

To Advance Australia Fair

Since retiring from my last formal denominational role on the founding Standing Committee of Generate Presbytery, (an orthodox evangelical oversight of some 100 mainly small country churches)  I naturally survey my over 50 years in ordained ministry. Here is one perception: The rapid replacement and overreaching power of secular entities of the needs, maladies and […]

Why don’t we talk about this family wrecker?

I don’t like writing on this subject at all, but my pastoral practice and heart troubled for the safety of children compels me. It is a minefield of self-justification, identity confusions, desperate human failings and more. But most of all it’s trauma and deep grief and security demolition for young children. It’s the fact and […]

The Neutering of Death

The Coronavirus/Covid-19 plague is so virulent in effect because of the fear of death, that core human fear. Enter the True Man who brings the Gospel to the earth and within reach of the fearful humanity all at sea on the ship of death. The Gospel  is  the Lord’s passion to rid the fear of […]

Lies, the Source of Confusion and Depression

How the chief weapon of the enemy against believers is neutralised and destroyed. Not all symptoms of confusion, depression or frustration comes from within ourselves such as our past experiences, genetic make-up, personal failures and regrets or from our physical environment. For example, a Christian who has been believing for some years quite suddenly finds […]

Safe or Saintly

We are in the Season when the general public is most inclined to sense the scent of general grace, the greatest gift of heaven and all heaven in that gift. But will we unwrap it and  explore its fantastic dimensions of joy?

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